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Captura de Tela 2023-11-30 às 13.17.03.png

Photo: Unsplash

In the media

News published in press vehicles about the Amazon+10 Initiative

Amazon Association receives R$30 million from the United Kingdom

Power 360 - 12/21/2023

Study supported by Amazonas seeks advances in the treatment of jararaca accidents

Marcos Santos Portal - 1/12/2023

MT invests in research with a direct impact on the Legal Amazon production chain

This is news - 12/1/2023

STUDIES: Amazônia+10, multidisciplinary scientific expeditions, will be launched today, 30th, at Unir

Rondônia Live - 11/30/2023

Call for proposals Scientific Expeditions

DWIH São Paulo - 11/30/2023

FAPAC will launch a new call for Scientific Expeditions regionally

Acre in focus - 11/29/2023

Scientific Expeditions: notice allocates R$60 million in funding for research in the Legal Amazon 

Roraima in focus - 11/23/2023

Notice for Scientific Expeditions in the Legal Amazon is launched for researchers from Roraima

Folha BV - 11/23/2023

Amazon+10 Initiative and CNPq promote scientific research in the Amazon

Acre in focus - 11/23/2023

Opportunities and financing 

PRP Unicamp - 11/23/2023

Together with CNPq, the Amazon+10 Initiative launches the Scientific Expeditions Call

Gizmodo - 11/22/2023

Fapespa launches funding call for scientific expeditions in the Amazon

Marajó News - 11/22/2023

Amazon+10 Initiative calls to support scientific expeditions in the Amazon region

EURAXESS - 11/19/2023

Government allocates R$4 million to scientific expedition projects in the Amazon

Ponta Grossa Newspaper - 11/17/2023

The new call for the Amazon+10 Initiative has been launched: Scientific Expeditions

Water Meeting Portal - 11/17/2023

Due to the Belo Monte plant, the drought tragedy has been a reality for some time in Volta Grande do Xingu

The Conversation Brazil - 7/11/2023

Degradation in the Amazon: a time bomb for the emergence or resurgence of diseases with pandemic potential

The Conversation Brazil - 10/31/2023

Researchers from AP and Amazônia Legal receive incentives of around 60 million for projects

G1 Portal - 10/28/2023

Notice Amazon Initiative+10 

A Concert for the Amazon - 10/28/2023

Amazon+10 Initiative supports expeditions to little-studied areas of the Amazon

Amazon Portal - 10/12/23

Amazon+10 Initiative offers support to scientific expeditions in the region

USP Newspaper - 7/10/23

Initiative will invest almost R$60 million for expeditions in the Amazon

Olhar Digital - 6/10/2023

Initiative will invest almost R$60 million to encourage scientific expeditions in the Amazon

Radio Mix Manaus - 6/10/2023

Amazônia+10 and CNPq announce call to support scientific expeditions in the region

Gizmodo - 10/3/2023

Women undertake and create new products in the Amazon

Nexus - 12/30/2022

Amazon Initiative +10 selects 39 research projects

ND1 - 11/17/2022 


Amazônia+10 notice will allocate R$52 million to collaborative research projects
O Globo - 07/27/2022

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