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Photo: NASA
With an investment of R$ 76 million, the Amazon+10 Initiative announces the final results of the Scientific Expeditions call
22 Projects Selected to Expand Knowledge on Amazonian Sociobiodiversity The Amazon Initiative+10 announced today (12/2) the final results...
Amazônia+10 Initiative Releases Preliminary Results of the Scientific Expeditions Call
Twenty projects aimed at expanding knowledge of Amazonian socio-biodiversity were selected, with a total value of approximately R$ 78.2...
Check out the schedule of the Scientific Expeditions Workshop, which will take place on March 21st with live streaming
The Amazon +10 Initiative, the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (Confap), the National Council of Secretaries...
The Amazon +10 Initiative and FAPEAM will hold a workshop on the Scientific Expeditions Call in Manaus
The Amazon +10 Initiative, the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (Confap), the National Council of Secretaries...
Amazon +10 Initiative creates a database with potential projects for the Expeditions call
As a means of facilitating interaction between researchers from the Legal Amazon region and researchers from other states and countries,...
United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Germany Join the Scientific Expeditions Call
With new international contributions, the call for Scientific Expeditions, launched by the Amazon+10 Initiative in partnership with CNPq,...
Amazon+10 initiative receives investment of £4 million from the United Kingdom
Photos: Kennedy Barros / CONFAP On December 13, 2023, during the opening of the CONFAP National Forum, in Brasília, the Amazon+10...
In partnership with Amazônia+10, British Council launches call for support for scientific workshops
Amazonia BR/UK Workshops Grants will make approximately R$2 million available to finance proposals that expand knowledge about...
Amazon+10 Initiative call to support scientific expeditions in the Amazon region
The State Research Support Foundations (FAPs) of 19 Brazilian states and the National Council for Scientific and Technological...
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